mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

Hello! I'm Susana and I'm from Portugal. I'm Educational Psychologist, I have been working in many different fields of education from coordinating educational projects, playcentre, afterschool to English Teacher for children, Adult Trainer and educator and usually connected with art education, enviornment education, animation on multicultural realities.

Right now I am on a Grundtvig Assistenship Period on Palermo in Italy. My work here is promote intercultural events for adults, develop Community Dance and Culture Training, European Projects and to be a Pedagogical Observer and Counselor on the Adults Language Courses and on adult workshop.

The Educational methodologies I like to work with are Education through Art, Play Activity and Literacy, Diferenciated Pedagogy, Enviornment Education, Ethic, phylosophy and moral development, Non formal and Informal Education Methodologies.

I like very much developing educational activities in libraries and storytelling events to organize and to tell stories and children book ilustrations. I have a big passion for dance and movement, new circus, contenporary puppet show, clown and non verbal artistic performing arts in general

I love to travel and live on other countries and cultures.

I am very excited with EUTOPIA Grundtvig Workshop, because adult literacy is something that seems to be a very healthy way to gather people through activities of listening and get to know each face to face, which in a  contemporary world that changes so fast is mostly required. I'm also very excited to meet you all. See you in July!!!

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